Sarah and Steven – A Big Freeze at Gate Street Barn

Holy cow…its Spring.  Thing is someone forgot to tell Mother Nature.  Quite honestly, I happily did family groups outside in February.  No one complained.  It was fresh not cold.  Now that its the end of March you would think we would optimistic for warmer weather.  Apparently on the same day last year it was 21 degrees (that’s Celsius).  So quite how a year passes and the high was around 2.  Seriously.  I guess on the plus side it was dry even if it was too cold for anyone to really enjoy the outside.  On the plus side I still the family groups outside and it took about 30% less time than normal.  Amazing what freezing your dewberries off will do to inspire folks to get a move on.

Yes, this was Saturday’s wedding of Steven and Sarah at the glorious, beautiful and internally warm Gate Street Barn (quite frankly one of Surrey’s finest wedding venues).  Despite working at Gate Street many many times it was still a first in staying with the Bride (aka Sarah) in the Bride’s room.  Small yet functional.  But it meant no traveling and no getting cold outside.  Sarah and Steven are a delightfully sweet couple.  Calm yet spirited, thoughtful yet spontaneous.  A delightful combination of charm, personality and wit that makes for such an enjoyable day for me (and Darren).  We really do enjoy being part of something so sincere and honest.  It makes you feel like a part of something real not fabricated.  Thank you to Sarah and Steven for having us along.

Below is a selection of images.  Afterwards I’ll be posting a link to more images which you can view on my Facebook business page.  So gander, read, enjoy and at the end is a link for more.

Seriously…how gorgeous is that

The main perk of getting ready in the barn


Mum’s broach

Small mirror, big image

Here comes the … Dad

Glasses on my head…cool don’t you think

Today’s doppleganger is the Best Man and Brother of Steven…I give you Mark Wahlberg (or Dirk as I called him)

…in a veiled way of carrying on the Dirk reference

Marky Mark is enjoying it as well!


That kid is adorable!

Its true…country roads really do take you home!

Gravity is no match!

A big warm bun and huge hunk of meat (although this isn’t a Cheeseburger in Paradise)

Chris from Chess has some new LED lights.  Me like.

I have no idea

I love the couple in the middle…I’m don’t read minds but I’m guessing it went something like this “W….T….F”

Time for me to stick to my word and give you that link to the book of Faces and my business page where you can find about 100 images from Steven and Sarah’s Gate Street Barn wedding on Facebook.

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