Kim and Huw – Winter Wedding at Tithe Barn

Forescore and a few weeks ago, I shot the wonderful winter wedding of Kim and Huw at the deliciously gorgeous Tithe Barn.  It’s taken some time to get the photos on the blog.  Owning mostly to my recent move to Petersfield and all the work that it takes to sort that out.  Things you own seem to come out of the woodwork and before you know it, your life has been taken over by cardboard boxes and the smell of bleach.  But this, its true, has nothing to do with Kim and Huw’s awesome winter wedding.  Yes, it was back on the 22nd of February and now the clocks are forward and the air (relatively) warm.

I started the day off at Old Thorns.  A lovely hotel just outside of Liphook and a mainstay for Tithe Barn guests it seems.  I had a great time laughing with the girls and was even privvy to an deeply emotional moment when Kim’s Dad saw her for the first time in her wedding dress.  Special indeed.  Shortly after it was a trip down the A3 to Tithe Barn and a wonderful ceremony by some of Hampshire’s finest Registrars.  They really are a helpful and flexible crew.  I can’t say that for all counties I assure you.  The barn looked fantastic with the uplighters and the alcoves were adorned with some really funky ‘K’ and ‘H’ Hollywood lighting fixtures.

The sun shone and all the guests followed Kim and Huw out to take on the brisk February breeze.  It was a noble effort but after 45 minutes or so the reality of the coldish wind took over and we all retreated back inside.  With the soft ground it also meant that formals were much better suited to the balcony (which I always think looks quite nice).  A lovely afternoon of canapes and champagne led us straight into the wedding breakfast provided by the good folks at Wright Choice Catering.

This week I was given the chance to stay a bit later into the evening and shot some fantastic dancing.  Characters abound that’s for sure.

its a hanger Jim…just not as we know it


A lovely moment between Kim and her mum

You know they wanted to 🙂

Geometry was never my forte

A lovely few moments

Interesting…that’s all I can say

Oh yeah….Huw 🙂

I get mine first…then turn’em around

February Sun!

There’s always one!

PHOTOBOMBER! (that’s me)

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