Julia and Matt – Gate Street Barn

So…carrying on from my last wedding in February I seem to have found yet another delightful couple. I guess its a vibe you give off. Be delightful attract delightful. How very rude of me to describe myself in that way (mind you that just proves my point).  Saturday I got the extreme luxury of spending the day with Julia and Matt at Holy Trinity in Bramley and Gate Street Barn in .. well .. Gate Street.  Of course I spent the whole day thinking I was shooting the wedding of my cousin Angie as her and Julia were surely separated at birth (and a few years if I can say that and not offend my cousin).  The good thing about a March wedding is you expect it to rain.  So when it does you’re not bothered.  But more importantly if you get a window of dry you’re over the moon.  However, you’d probably be over the moon at all the wonderful bits you put into the wedding.  The jars of Tomato and Apple Chutney for guests (I did not have snack relations with that chutney…..OK OK I admit it I did…and it was GREAT), the decoration of the barn, hiring one of the finest florists in the land in Kate Avery and picking some incredible venues.  It was all quite daunting.  In fact, upon entering for the wedding breakfast Julia took a moment to look out over her guests, the barn…everything…then got a wee bit emotional.  Rightfully so.

There will be more images on my Facebook Business page.  The link to this can be found at the end of this post.  So gander here, scroll and click for more.

Shut it

Different shutters actually

The rarely know first draft of Motley Crue’s “Girls, Girls, Girls”

A first look at the stunning work of Kate Avery Flowers

So happy she was literally beside herself

It seemed an interesting time to revive her skills at stair diving

…a fellow stair diver

Old and blue…multi tasking

Trust…its a wonderful thing

I love that look!

Despite being 4, she had already been selected for the junior school netball team…and who could blame them

Litter bugs

Making confetti a whole lot more tasty!

Discovering why salt and vinegar crisps as confetti might have been a less than satisfactory solution


Nice bald head…whoever is that…oh wait!

We’ve all done…lemonade out the nose….tough

I love her!

I asked the wind to blow…and it did…impressive

Wrap her up

Inside the barn

…and I did…and it was AWESOME!

Everyone had a photo of themselves as their placecard…great idea and loads of laughs

Suddenly, looking out at everyone, and the barn…it was all too much

A second copy of the place cards so everyone can enjoy

As promised, here is a link to more images from Matt and Julia’s Gate Street Barn wedding on Facebook

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