Caroline and Adam – Barnet Hill Wedding Photography

Sweet Caroline!!!! Dat dah duh (now I dare you to get that song out of your head .. bahahahahaha)

Gosh it seems so long ago.  I mean, back then it was cold, damp and the threat of Spring was nowhere to be found.  Wait a minute!

So it wasn’t that long ago I guess.  This is Caroline (dat dah duh) and Adam (no clever song reference available) at Barnett Hill, a delightful venue on the edge of the Surrey Hills (which will mean quite a lot to mountain bikers in the South).  This wedding will be famous for me as being one of only a handful of weddings where I had to do family groups inside.  Yes, it was that cold.  But as rooms go for indoor formals I’ll take it.

These guys are a delightful couple who are perfectly suited.  Caroline and Adam’s vows, written by themselves, were truly inspiring.  I can’t say I didn’t get a little bit humid in the eye line listening to them.  It was refreshing to hear something unique.  This coming after a Humanist ceremony the day before where the same thing happened.  Its nice to see a bit of the couple in there and not just the legal bits.

They also had a first and you know I love firsts.  Sadly the Best Man couldn’t be there.  Living in Cyprus it became impossible for him to travel during the financial crisis affecting withdrawals and other day to day activities.  But in this modern world he was able to record his speech (inclusive of balloon faces of Caroline and Adam) and have it shipped over via the interweb for viewing by the rest of the wedding.  Genius!

I also got the pleasure of working with Oli (and Chris) from Storybook Films.  A delightful duo who, for videographers, smell rather nice.  I do recommend a gander at the website.

There will be more images on my Facebook Business Page.  Have a gander down there and at the end you will find the link.  Happy viewing!

Cup-a-soup…lunch for nervous Bride!

An interesting place for your first married barney

The consequences of playing Mambo Number 5 on the guest led iPod DJ!

And A Few From Darren

As promised there are more images on my Facebook Business Page….you can find it here

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