Alice and Jules – St Mary’s Buriton and Tithe Barn

There’s nothing easier than organising a wedding.  No…really.  I mean, its just a case of throwing together a few suppliers, picking a few locations and just letting the chips fall.  Right?  If you think that viewpoint is crazy…perhaps a bit misguiding…maybe lacking in any common sense…well…I ain’t gonna disagree with you.  So if, like me, you know its one of the most challenging things to do then you’ll have to appreciate just how difficult it was for Alice and Jules to do it from Dubai.  Suddenly, you get a deep appreciation for how you select even the smallest details from thousands of miles away.  Its a little bit country and a whole lot of rock and roll.  Fortunately for Alice and Jules, they had ‘Pinky’.  Also known as Alice’s mum.

The wedding took place at St Mary’s Buriton.  One of the most delightful churches in the area.  Also, as of this year, one of the best lit churches too.  The investment in lighting has paid major dividends in making it an even more striking venue to get married in.  Naturally, as a photographer, I’m quite pleased by this too.  I was looking forward to seeing Lynne (church warden) and Judith (the Vicar) again for the first time this year.  However I was in for a special treat.  Judith wouldn’t be joining us as Alice and Jules had a guest Vicar.  Jules’ Brother.  How cool is that.  One of the most down to earth and approachable Vicars around.  But the day of unique experiences didn’t end there.  Tithe Barn was decked out in some rather spectacular lighting itself.  I wish I knew who it was who did it.  In fact, I’ll have to find out, because it just made it look incredible.  Always great to see something familiar in a not so familiar way.

Twas a brilliant day with some brilliant people.  Including catering by Dennys Catering and flowers by Heavenly Scent.


































































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